File Sep 23 12 40 18 PM

Participation in Odyssey of the Mind is truly about the process, not the outcome. However, we still need to celebrate when a Fairport team is honored!

Below is a list of prize-winning teams back to 2000.  If you know of history beyond that, we'd love to hear it!



trophytrophy Brooks Hill Elementary School "Classics...Opening Night Antics" 1st Place, 2nd Place States, 31st World Finals
trophytrophyribbon green Fairport High School "Rocking World Detour" 1st Place, 2nd Place States, 5th World Finals
trophyribbon Northside Elementary School "Drive-In Movie" 1st Place, 4th Place States
trophyribbon Fairport High School "AI Tech-No-Art" 1st Place, 4th Place States
trophyribbon Fairport High School "Classics...Opening Night Antics" 2nd Place, 4th Place States
omer award Northside Elementary School "Classics...Opening Night Antics" OMER Award and 6th place


trophytrophytrophy Fairport High School "The Most Dramatic Problem Ever!!!" 1st Place, 1st Place States, 3rd Place World Finals
trophytrophy Johanna Perrin Middle School "Classics...The Walls of Troy" 2nd Place, 2nd Place States, 16th Place World Finals
trophyRanatra Fusca Fairport High School "Classics.. The Walls of Troy" 1st Place & Ranatra Fusca Creativity Award, 7th Place States
trophy regional "Northside Elementary School" Because iCan 2nd Place, 7th Place States
ribbon "Brooks Hill Elementary School" Pirates and the Treasure 4th Place


trophytrophy blue Martha Brown
(merged middle school team)
"Odyssey ReOMvention" 1st at Regionals, 1st at States, 7th at Worlds
trophyribbon blue Brooks Hill Elementary School "Escape vroOM" 1st at Regionals, 5th at States
trophyribbon blue Johanna Perrin Middle School "Life is a Circus!" 1st at Regionals, 5th at States
trophyribbon blue Fairport High School
(mixed team)
"Life is a Circus!" 1st at Regionals, 5th at States
trophy Johanna Perrin Middle School
(merged middle school team)
"Matryoshka Structure" 1st at Regionals, 13th at States
trophy Northside Elementary School "Life is a Circus!" 4th at Regionals
trophy Brooks Hill Elementary School "Life is a Circus!" 5th at Regionals


trophytrophy bluetrophy green Brooks Hill "Virtual Odyssey" 1st at Regionals, 1st at States, 13th at Virtual World Finals, 3rd In-Person World Finals
trophytrophy blue Martha Brown
(merged middle school team)
"Virtual Odyssey" 1st at Regionals, 2nd at States 18th at Virtual World Finals
trophytrophy blue Minerva Deland
(merged high school team)
"Virtual Odyssey" 1st at Regionals, 3rd at States 14th at Virtual World Finals
trophytrophy blue Johanna Perrin "OMer the ROMER" 1st at Regionals, 1st at States, 27th at Virtual World Finals
trophytrophy blue Northside "It's a Trap!!!!" 1st at Regionals, 2nd at States, 7th at Virtual World Finals
trophyribbon blue Northside "Virtual Odyssey" 2nd at Regionals, 4th at States 40th at Virtual World Finals
trophyribbon blue Fairport High School "Superhero Socks: A Cliffhanger Beginning" 1st at Regionals, 4th at States


trophytrophy green Martha Brown
(merged middle school team)
"Gibberish or Not" 1st at Regionals, 3rd at Worlds
trophy Brooks Hill Elementary School "Longshot Solution" 1st at Regionals, 9th at Worlds
trophy Johanna Perrin
(merged middle school team)
"Net Working" 1st at Regionals, 10th at Worlds
trophy Johanna Perrin
(merged middle school team)
"Classics..The Effective Detective" 1st at Regionals, 14th at Worlds
trophy Fairport High School "Classics..The Effective Detective" 1st at Regionals
trophy Northside "Balsa Limbo" 1st at Regionals
trophy Northside "Net Working" 2nd at Regionals
trophy Fairport High School "Gibberish or Not" 2nd at Regionals
trophy Martha Brown
(merged middle school team)
"Longshot Solution" 3rd at Regionals
ribbon Northside "Longshot Solution" 4th at Regionals


trophytrophy blue Brooks Hill "Hide in Plain Sight" 1st at Regionals, 1st at States, 23rd at Worlds
trophytrophy blue Johanna Perrin
(merged middle school team)
"Leonardo's Workshop" 1st at Regionals, 1st at States, 16th at Worlds
trophyrenatraribbon blue Johanna Perrin
(merged middle school team)
"OMER to the Rescue Again" 1st and Renatra Fusca at Regionals, 5th at States
trophyribbon blue Fairport High School "Hide in Plain Sight" 1st at Regionals, 5th at States
trophyribbon blue Northside "Structure Toss" 1st at Regionals, 5th at States
trophy Martha Brown
(merged middle school team)
"Opposites Distract" 2nd at Regionals, 7th at States
trophy Minerva Deland
(merged high school team)
"Opposites Distract" 1st at Regionals, 9th at States
trophy Brooks Hill "Structure Toss" 2nd at Regionals, 9th at States
trophy Fairport High School "Leonardo's Workshop" 1st at Regionals, 11th at States
trophy Northside "Opposites Distract" 2nd at Regionals
ribbon Jefferson Ave "Opposites Distract" 5th at Regionals


trophytrophy blue Fairport High School "Emoji, Speak for Yourself" 1st at Regionals, 2nd at States, 12th at Worlds
trophytrophy blue Brooks Hill "Triathlon Travels" 1st at Regionals, 3rd at States
trophyribbon blue Johanna Perrin
(merged middle school team)
"Animal House" 2nd at Regionals, 4th at States
trophyribbon blue Martha Brown
(merged middle school team)
"Mockumentary! Seriously?" 1st at Regionals, 4th at States
trophyribbon blue Martha Brown
(merged middle school team)
"A Stellar Hangout" 1st at Regionals, 6th at States
trophy Johanna Perrin
(merged middle school team)
"A Stellar Hangout" 1st at Regionals, 7th at States
trophy Brooks Hill "A Stellar Hangout" 1st at Regionals, 10th at States
trophy Brooks Hill "Animal House" 2nd at Regionals, 11th at States
trophy Northside "A Stellar Hangout" 2nd at Regionals
trophy Fairport High School "A Stellar Hangout" 3rd at Regionals
trophy Minerva Deland "Mockumentary! Seriously?" 3rd at Regionals
ribbon Fairport High School "Mockumentary! Seriously?" 4th at Regionals
ribbon Northside "Mockumentary! Seriously?" 5th at Regionals


trophytrophy blue Northside "It's Time, OMER"  1st at Regionals, 1st at States, 7th at Worlds
trophytrophy blue Martha Brown "It's Time, OMER" 1st at Regionals, 1st at States, 16th at Worlds
trophytrophy blue Brooks Hill "Catch Us If You Can"  1st at Regionals, 2nd at States, 14th at Worlds
trophytrophy blue Johanna Perrin "Odd-a-Bot" 1st at Regionals, 2nd at States, 9th at Worlds
trophytrophy blue Brooks Hill "Superhero Cliffhanger" 1st at Regionals, 2nd at States, 21st at Worlds
trophytrophy blue Fairport High School "It's Time, OMER" 1st at Regionals, 3rd at States
trophy Minerva Deland "Superhero Cliffhanger" 2nd at Regionals, 9th at States
trophy Jefferson Avenue "Superhero Cliffhanger" 3rd at Regionals
ribbon Northside "Catch Us If You Can" 4th at Regionals
ribbon Fairport High School "Catch Us If You Can" 4th at Regionals
ribbon Brooks Hill "Ready, Set, Balsa Build!" 4th at Regionals


trophy trophy blue Brooks Hill "Something Fishy"  1st at Regionals, 1st at States, 9th at Worlds
trophy trophy blue Johanna Perrin "Stack Attack!" 1st at Regionals, 1st at States, 10th at Worlds
trophy ribbon blue Martha Brown "Aesop Gone Viral"  1st at Regionals, 4th at States
trophy Minerva Deland "Aesop Gone Viral"  1st at Regionals, 6th at States
trophy renatra Fairport High School "Furs, Fins, Feathers, and Friends" 1st and Renatra Fusca at Regionals, 7th at States
trophy Brooks Hill "Furs, Fins, Feathers, and Friends" 2nd at Regionals
trophy Johanna Perrin "Aesop Gone Viral" 3rd at Regionals
ribbon Martha Brown "No-Cycle Recycle" 4th at Regionals
ribbon Northside "Something Fishy" 4th at Regionals
ribbon Northside  "Stack Attack!" 4th at Regionals


trophy trophy blue Johanna Perrin  "Lose Your Marbles"  1st at Regionals, 1st at States, 13th at Worlds 
trophy trophy blue Brooks Hill  "Pandora's Box"  1st at Regionals, 1st at States, 14th at Worlds 
trophy ribbon blue Johanna Perrin "Silent Movie" 1st at Regionals, 4th at States
trophy Johanna Perrin "Pandora's Box" 1st at Regionals, 9th at States
trophy Northside  "Runaway Train" 3rd at Regionals
trophy Brooks Hill "Experiencing Technical Difficulties" 3rd at Regionals
ribbon Minerva Deland "Pandora's Box" 4th at Regionals
ribbon Northside "Lose Your Marbles" 5th at Regionals
ribbon Northside "Silent Movie" 5th at Regionals


trophytrophy blue Northside  "Stackable Structure"  1st at Regionals, 2nd at States, 17th at Worlds 
trophyribbon blue Johanna Perrin  "Not-So-Haunted House"  1st at Regionals, 5th at States 
trophy Johanna Perrin  "It's How We Rule" 1st at Regionals, 9th at States 
trophy Brooks Hill "Not-So-Haunted House" 2nd at Regionals
trophy Northside "Not-So-Haunted House" 2nd at Regionals
ribbon Jefferson Ave "Seeing is Believing" 4th at Regionals
ribbon Brooks Hill "Seeing is Believing" 5th at Regionals


trophy Northside  "Pet Project" 2nd at Regionals 
trophy Northside  "Tumblewood"  2nd at Regionals 
trophy Johanna Perrin  "It's How You Look At It" 2nd at Regionals 
trophy Jefferson Ave "ARTchitecture the Musical" 3rd at Regionals
ribbon Brooks Hill "It's How You Look At It" 4th at Regionals
ribbon Brooks Hill "Tumblewood" 5th at Regionals
ribbon Northside "It's How You Look At It" 5th at Regionals


trophy Brooks Hill "Odyssey Angels" 1st at Regionals, 14th at States
trophy Johanna Perrin "Odyssey Angels" 3rd at Regionals
ribbon Jefferson Ave "Weird Science" 5th at Regionals


ribbon BBrooks Hill  B"Le Tour Guide"  5th at Regionals


trophy Brooks Hill "Food Court" 1st at Regionals, 8th at States
trophy Brooks Hill  "Nature Trail'R" 3rd at Regionals
trophy Brooks Hill "Return to the Gift of Flight" 3rd at Regionals
ribbon Jefferson Ave "Column Structure" 5th at Regionals


trophy Jefferson Ave "Earth Trek"  1st at Regionals, 9th at States
trophy Jefferson Ave "Lost Labor of Heracles"  1st at Regionals, 18th at States
trophy Johanna Perrin "Superstition" 3rd at Regionals


trophyribbon blue Jefferson Ave "DinoStories" 1st at Regionals, 5th at States
trophy Brooks Hill "The Eccentrics" 1st at Regionals, 9th at States
trophy Jefferson Ave "Tee Structure" 2nd at Regionals
ribbon Jefferson Ave "The Wonderful Muses"  5th at Regionals
ribbon Jefferson Ave  "The Eccentrics" 5th at Regionals


trophy Jefferson Ave "Out of the Box Balsa"  2nd at Regionals
trophy Jefferson Ave "I'm Only Thinking of You"  2nd at Regionals
trophy Martha Brown "Around the World in 8 Minutes"  3rd at Regionals
trophy Jefferson Ave  "Tag 'Em" 3rd at Regionals


trophyribbon blue Jefferson Ave "The Great Parade" 1st at Regionals, 5th at States
trophyrenatra Martha Brown "Ancient Egypt" 1st and Renatra Fusca at Regionals, 11th at States
ribbon Jefferson Ave "Ancient Egypt" 4th at Regionals
ribbon Jefferson Ave "Geometry Structure"  5th at Regionals


trophytrophy blueribbon green Jefferson Ave  "Stunt Mobiles" 1st at Regionals, 2nd at States, 6th at Worlds
trophy Martha Brown "Crazy Columns"  2nd at Regionals, 9th at States


trophy Jefferson Ave "Balancing Act" 1st at Regionals, 7th at States
trophy Jefferson Ave "Envirover" 2nd at Regionals
trophy Martha Brown  "Strategy Sphere"  2nd at Regionals
trophy Brooks Hill "Fantastic Art" 2nd at Regionals
trophy Jefferson Ave "Fantastic Art" 3rd at Regionals
ribbon Martha Brown "Balancing Act" 5th at Regionals


trophy Brooks Hill "Classics... Put a Spin On It"  1st at Regionals, 9th at States
trophy Jefferson Ave  "A Scene From Above"  3rd at Regionals
ribbon Jefferson Ave "Fooled Ya" 5th at Regionals


trophytrophy blue Fairport High School "Techno-Pets" 1st at Regionals, 2nd at States
trophy Brooks Hill  "Ody-SEE-ing"  3rd at Regionals


trophyrenatra blue Fairport High School  "Elasti-Pumper" 1st at Regionals, 7th and Renatra Fusca at States, 14th at Worlds
ribbon Brooks Hill "Pest-a-Side" 5th at Regionals
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